Principles of Good Feeding

Principles of Good Feeding

Feeding Jack properly is not only about a complete and balanced diet.

Principles of Good Feeding

For your pet to please you with its health for many years, you need to follow carried simple rules.

  • Feed your Jack twice a day. For a person not to get fat, he needs to eat often and a little at a time. This rule is not true for dogs, two meals a day is enough.
  • Always feed Jack at the same time. That way his digestive system will adjust to eating at certain times and work better.
  • Food should not be readily available to Jack at all times. If he doesn't eat his portion on time, put it away. He will finish it at the next meal.
  • Don't feed Jack handouts from the table. Our human food (fried chicken, sausage, sausage) is much tastier than his regular food, according to Jack, because it has a distinctive smell. Letting your dog eat leftovers from the table will make it very difficult to get him back on dog food. Feeding human food, with lots of fried, smoked, and fatty foods, will inevitably lead to obesity in your dog, in addition to shortening his life span, endocrine, and cardiovascular problems. In addition to health problems, you'll get an ill-mannered dog that barks for treats and shames you in front of your friends.
  • Don't feed Jack any natural bones that he might chew into splinters, which could cause an intestinal rupture. In addition, bones simply clog up your dog's gastrointestinal tract with no benefit whatsoever. Jackie, like all dogs, loves to chew, so spoil him with special chewy "dog treats" sold at pet stores that are not only harmless and palatable but clean his teeth too.
  • Switch to a new food gradually. When it comes to prepared foods, the transition to a new type of food should take at least 7 days, by gradually adding the new food to the familiar food.
  • Water should always be available to your dog.
  • Whatever food you choose for your pet, be sure to consult your veterinarian. And not for him to say what is better - natural products or ready-made food, about this there is no exact opinion, each side has its arguments and arguments. Science has not yet proven accurate data that could disprove one or another method of feeding. But you should consult a specialist to make an accurate calculation of the necessary nutritional elements, to make a proper diet based on the individual characteristics of Jack and his lifestyle.