Taking Care of Little Jack's Health

Taking Care of Little Jack's Health

Another tip: Take care of the problem of choosing a veterinarian in advance, so that from the first days your pet has his own doctor, who would know the peculiarities of his growth and development, and, if possible, observe throughout his life.

Taking Care of Little Jack's Health

One more piece of advice: take care of the problem of choosing a veterinarian in advance, so that from the first days your pet has his doctor, who would know the peculiarities of his growth and development, and, if possible, observe him throughout his life. So that in case of an emergency you'll know exactly where to call. Where to find your Dr. Dolittle? The question is archival and complicated. You can get vet credentials from your puppy's breeder, or you can check with friends and acquaintances, and even if you have one you know well. You should always have his phone number handy.


Newborn puppies acquire their first immunity against various infectious diseases with their mother's milk. But this immunity disappears at the age of several weeks. This is when puppies get their first vaccinations. By the time you pick up your Jack puppy from the breeder, the first vaccinations should be done. 

At the age of 21 days, the puppies, along with their nursing mother, are dewormed. This can be done with Drontal Junior Suspension, Pirantel, or other suitable medication.

Here is a puppy vaccination schedule using Nobivak as an example (If you choose a different vaccine, the schedule may change, consult your veterinarian)

4-6 weeks

Nobivak Puppy DP or Nobivak Parvo-C (against plague and parvovirus enteritis)

3-9 weeksь

Nobivak PHPPi + Nobivak Lepto

(against plague, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospira)

12 weeks

Nobivak PHPPi + Nobivak Lepto + Nobivak Rabies (revaccination against plague, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, vaccination, rabies)

6-8 months

after the change of teeth Nobivak PHPPi + Nobivak Lepto revaccination against plague, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis).

Repeated vaccination is necessary because the puppy's immune system is in its formative stages and cannot create lasting immunity.

Rabies vaccination is not necessary at 12 weeks, according to veterinary law it must be done before one year of age. However, if you are going to take Jack to shows, keep in mind that without a rabies vaccination he will not be allowed to participate.

Also, if you are going to travel with your pet by train or plane, he must be vaccinated against rabies.

Thereafter, your dog is vaccinated once a year.

When you vaccinate, be sure to make sure your Jack is healthy. Your veterinarian will do this before vaccination. Don't forget to provide your vet's passport to have the vaccinations noted on it. Keep in mind that if you bought the vaccine yourself and were vaccinated at home, you will not be able to get the vet passport marked. 

So if you don't want to take your puppy to the clinic, only call the vet on the house.

You can take your puppy for a walk only 2 weeks after the revaccination at 12 weeks, when strong, active immunity against infectious diseases has developed.


Before vaccinating at 8-9 weeks, 6-8 months, and then before each annual vaccination, be sure to deworm 10-14 days before vaccinating Jack.

This is necessary because the presence of worms in the dog's body significantly weakens the immune system, and the necessary antibodies may not be produced by the body after vaccination, i.e. vaccination will not be effective, and in addition, can cause serious harm to the dog's body.

Ear care 

Often new puppy owners start brushing their ears unnecessarily. A healthy Jack's ears should be light pink in color, odorless, with no signs of discharge or dirt. If your puppy's ears are in this condition, they should not be brushed because frequent brushing can disrupt the ear microflora that protects against various infections. If you see traces of secretions or dirt in his ears, clean them with any ear lotion, which you can find at many pet stores. Moisten an ear stick or wipe with lotion and remove the secretions. If you notice excessive discharge and your puppy is shaking his ears and scratching, don't try to self-treat, visit your vet so he can diagnose the problem and prescribe the right treatment.

Dental care 

Young puppies do not need special dental care because from 3 to 6 months of age their baby teeth change into permanent teeth and plaque and calculus formation do not occur during this period.  A puppy has only 32 milk teeth, while a mature dog has 42 permanent teeth. Jacks have an increased need to chew something during the period of teeth change, so be careful to remove items dear to you, which are sure to be chewed if they come across his teeth. Provide the baby with chewy bones or chewable toys. Pay attention to how the permanent teeth are growing. If a baby tooth is still in place, but a new one is already erupting, make sure that within a few days the baby tooth will fall out and not interfere with the new one, or the permanent tooth may grow crooked. If it takes a long time for the tooth to fall out, see your veterinarian.  After a tooth change, train your Jack as a young child in oral hygiene. He should be used to brushing his teeth from a young age. To do this, buy special toothpaste and brushes for dogs at a pet store. Do not brush your dog's teeth with human toothpaste.

Eye Care 

If Jack's eyes are shiny, clean, and cheerful, they don't need special care. A moderate amount of discharge from your puppy's eyes is perfectly acceptable, it can be dust, dirt washed away by tears, and accumulated in the inner corner of the eye. Remove the discharge with a cotton swab moistened with eye lotion, alcoholic tea, or chamomile decoction. If the discharge is profuse or purulent, see your veterinarian, as it could be a sign of infectious disease, including distemper.

Claw care

Don't wait until your puppy starts walking around and grinding his claws on the pavement. The fact is that the claws of small puppies grow very quickly and can begin to bend and ingrow. A puppy's nail can form incorrectly and become loose, which can interfere with running and prolonged exercise. Clip his claws once every 7-10 days. Do this while holding the puppy by his feet, this way he will resistless. Carefully examine the claws. As a rule, Jacks have light-colored claws. You will see the transparent (dead) part of the claw and the pink (alive) part where the blood capillaries run. Only trim the transparent part of the claw very carefully. If you accidentally hurt Jack, he will always remember this unpleasant procedure and will fear and avoid it all his life. Buy in a pet store a special claw cutter, do not use ordinary nail scissors, they can split the claws. Recently, great claw clippers that eliminate the possibility of injury have appeared on the market.

Hair Care 

Between 3 and 5 months of age, your Jack will begin a period of changing from a baby coat to an adult outfit. This is expressed in an abundant molt, which may frighten you with its intensity. But it's a normal process. To make it pass more quickly, take extra care of the puppy's coat during this time. Brush him often to help rid him of excess baby hair. In addition, Jack will get used to brushing as a baby, and as an adult, he'll be more relaxed about this necessary procedure.