Castration Jack Russell Terrier pros and cons

Castration Jack Russell Terrier pros and cons

The theme of sterilization/castration is quite trite: you have to do it if no obvious indications? Of course, each owner makes his own decision and adheres to some of his beliefs. We will not try anybody to convince us of anything (why do we need another topic of controversy?), the following information is for those who have a dog, who is still undecided in your opinion or does not know what the choice is. (for experienced dog walkers information can also be very interesting.

Castration Jack Russell Terrier pros and cons

So, you have a dog. You are not going to knit it or have not yet decided whether to do it. Here is the list of tangible advantages "of" castration/sterilization:

  • Prevention of unwanted pregnancy in bitches (Yes, this also happens when neighbors didn't know or the dog ran away);
  • The exclusion of deaths of females in difficult childbirth, especially for small animals (inexperienced owner, not knowing of the ancestors of your dog or tying with a male much larger, can get a puppy so large that the dog just can't give birth);
  • Prevention of inflammatory processes in the reproductive tract of females (pyometra) is a common disease, the mortality rate is very high because diagnosing it is not always possible in time;
  • Prevention of inflammation and cancer of mammary glands in female dogs are prone to false pregnancies (and now it's almost every 2-3 dogs), the probability of breast cancer increases with each year of life;
  • Stopping unwanted sexual behavior in males and females (sexual aggression);
  • Reducing the probability of" escape " of the animal in search of a partner;
  • Preventing psycho-emotional overload during sexual hunting-the dog is experiencing the wildest stress from the processes that occur in her body;
  • Prevention of pathologies of the prostate (prostatitis, polycystic prostate cancer problems in the prostate and testes) in males.
In addition, there are some popular myths about castration. We will give only the most popular:

  1. The dog should be sure to have "health". If we talk about pregnancy and childbirth, and health, they are not added, the dog is no exception. Even if the birth is successful and without complications, the process of feeding offspring is a stress for the whole body, in which often there are violations in the mineral metabolism. 
  2. The dog will feel "deprived". A dog does not have "social" needs in the offspring and mothers, as the males are not "complex" in the absence of sexual relations if the action of sex hormones is eliminated by castration.
  3. Males can't be neutered, it is sufficient to find him a "girlfriend". Some owners hope that once the dog will be tied up and he will calm down. Unfortunately, this is not so, the" untied " male, as a rule, begins to behave even more aggressively and more actively, sexually, than before mating. (One day, we brought the dog that suddenly went blind. A medical history and tests showed that this reaction was caused by the fact that the neighborhood in this period was 2 bitches in season, blood pressure males within a couple of weeks were at the upper limit, the first could not stand the sight.. he was lucky to have a healthy heart!)
  4. The dog will die of anesthesia, it's too dangerous. Anesthesia is certainly not a safe event and the possibility of anesthetic risks is always present, BUT! If the animal is properly prepared for anesthesia and anesthesia will be given by a veterinary anesthesiologist, then 99.9% of cases will go smoothly.
  5. What if we want more puppies? The reproductive process has dogged this very serious venue if you dare "lead the puppies", then must realize that this is not only joy from the emergence of new life, but an unbelievable responsibility for owners and risks for mothers. In addition, you need to plan ways of implementing the litter.
If your pet has no breeding value, it is better to castrate it at a young age and not return to this issue. In the end, bought You a dog for yourself, for your soul.

From the relative contraindications to preventive sterilization can be called the exceptional breeding value of the animal, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation, as well as similar problems with the kidneys and liver. At the age of 6 months (although in America, some doctors perform sterilization and at the age of 3-4 months.). There are no absolute contraindications to sterilization for medical reasons.

To sum up, from the point of view of the veterinarian, we recommend sterilization and castration of all animals not intended for use in breeding.