Instructing a puppy to use the toilet on the street

Instructing a puppy to use the toilet on the street

A few tips to help tame your puppy to the toilet on the street.

Instructing a puppy to use the toilet on the street

  • Remove the diaper and remove the puddles.
  • Walk as often as you can, but clearly on the same schedule, you can walk as short, but often. The more often you can walk, the faster you can get used to it.
  • Usually puppies pee and poop in 10 - 20 minutes after sleep, food, or active play.
  • At home, do not swear at puddles, just wipe. On the street, praise it and treat it!
  • If there is no diaper, clean the diaper before feeding, and feed it. Go out in 10-20 minutes after meals, take a delicious meal, and dress warmly, as you go for a long time. Walk until he does not do business, as will make very emotional and joyful praise, give a delicious. And so every time at least two weeks.
  • Put the diaper only for the night and when you are not home.