Can I give the dog bones?

Can I give the dog bones?

Dogs that eat dry food do not need bones.

Can I give the dog bones?

If we do, we give the right raw bones:

  • The most correct bone is a bull's tail because there is meat, cartilage, and no tubular bones to give!
  • The joint part of the moss, the knee joint, or the so-called sugar bone. Sometimes they are sold already cut off from the tubular bone and chopped. So if the pieces are small, don't take them.
  • It's best not to give bones to birds, plus your dog may be allergic to birds.
  • Head, backbone, red fishtail - I give mine when it's left to clean the carcass. I give it raw, even with gills.
  • A cattle digger, you can keep an eye on it, but keep in mind that a raw hoof is a solid fat! ⠀
Boiled bones are categorically forbidden for dogs, and scalded bones make no sense! The more thoroughly cooked the bones, the softer they are, and the softer they are, the harder they become compressed in the intestines. The result is one dense and large mass, which can not get out of the intestine naturally provided by nature and simply clogs it. After that, the dog cannot go to the toilet - he begins to constipate. It doesn't seem like such a terrible disease, but if constipation lasts several days it can cause intoxication. 
If you're not sure about the quality of your bones then don't give them to your dogs. A dog will do just fine without them!
Dogs with bones in their diet are more likely to Shedd as they contain keratin, which speeds up hair renewal.